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Landscape and Imagination

Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world
4 mai 2013,

Editori e Stampatori Bandecchi & Vivaldi, actes de la conférence internationale "Landscape and Imagination", tenue le 2-3-4 mai 2013 à Paris, Cote LET : UA 919

| Actes de colloques

This book is about imagination, quite simply because responsible management of the ensemble of natural and cultural phenomena surrounding us, which we call landscape, requires imagination.

Landscape – unlike land – cannot be owned, unless it is by all of us commonly. This requires us to come to terms with each other for its proper management. Landscape, however, is not just a physical object that can be described and measured ; landscape exists because we experience it, we participate in it. In fact, we shape the landscape with our hands and in our minds. To communicate about this landscape we need imagination, both in everyday life and in education.
In its huge diversity, landscape is one of the main characteristics of Europe. This book offers a wealth of viewpoints, concepts, methods and practical examples that show how landscape education can contribute to scientific communication about landscape, for the sake of its sustainable future in a rapidly changing world.
The book is a collection of 141 peer-reviewed short papers, distributed over six themes : Epistemology, History, Art, Process, Science and Governance, which were presented at the International Conference held in Paris, 2-4 may 2013.

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