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29/02/20 - Appel à communications - Session thématique conférence annuelle réseaux EASST et 4S - "Habiter les dérèglements climatiques"

Appel à communication "Inhabiting warming worlds, transforming climate knowledge" dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle couplée des réseaux EASST (European Association for the study of Sciences and Technology) et 4S (Society for Social Studies Science) organisée à Prague du 18 au 21 août 2020.

"For the meeting in Prague, we especially welcome inquiries into longer term continuities and discontinuities and material legacies of modernity—both desired and undesirable—that have been built into our sociotechnical infrastructures and ways of living. We want to pay special attention to the ways in which geopolitical, economic and epistemic globalization is localized and distributed over Planet Earth. What are the means and ends of STS in different places ? What does it take to intervene and be relevant here and there ? Whom do we want to speak and act with ? Who wants to speak and act with us ?"


- PANEL 88 : Inhabiting warming worlds, transforming climate knowledge
"Climate change understandings and narratives have mostly relied so far on highly sophisticated expert knowledge measuring and assessing a ‘global’ climate, thus excluding lay knowledge and experiences of shifting patterns in local weather and environments (Jasanoff, 2010 ; Turnhout et al. 2016). This panel aims to unsettle this ‘de-terrestrialized’ and globalized view of climate change and to focus instead on locally embedded knowledge and ‘ordinary’ experiences of how the climate is changing in specific places, and how it impacts the local environments and everyday life of inhabitants.
Following recent attempts to redefine environmental knowledge and politics away from regimes of official expertise, international negotiations, and public, front-of-stage controversies, and to look instead into the forms of ‘slow, intimate activism’ that take place in everyday, ordinary practices of knowing and inhabiting warming worlds (Liboiron et al. 2018), we aim to address the capacity of lived experiences for ‘re-terrestrializing’ climate knowledge and politics (Latour, 2019) and fostering new practices of attentiveness, care and local adaptation in a time of climate disturbance .
The panel will gather together empirical investigations and theoretical reflections focusing on peoples’ experiences of warming environments (including, for instance, heat waves, warmer winters, retreating glaciers, changing seasons, as well as of changing patterns regarding plant growth, soil, animal behaviors or sea levels) in order to examine the epistemological, political and ethical work at play in the ordinary, situated practices of noticing, story-ing and living in warming worlds."


Date limite d’envoi : le 29 février 2020

Modalités d’envoi : Abstract de 250 mots incluant arguments principaux, methodology et liste de publications.

Propositions à déposer en ligne sur le site internet de l’événement